Friday, February 27, 2009

Behind-the-Back Stretch

This exercise stretches the triceps at the back of the upper arm, shoulders and chest. You can do this stretch while standing or sitting in an upright position. Either way, it feels great.

  • Bend your right arm behind your head so your right hand is pointed toward the middle of your upper back and your right elbow is pointed upward.
  • Keeping your back straight, grasp your right elbow with your left hand. Pull gently back and down until you feel a slight stretch along the back of your upper arm.
  • Hold for 5-10 seconds.
  • Repeat with the other arm.

Find out how you can get fast and effective back pain relief.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

FDA Admits That ALL Anti-Inflammatory Drugs May Kill You

It has been discovered that nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, or NSAIDS, such as Cox-2 inhibitors Vioxx, Bextra and Celebrex, lead to an increased risk of cardiovascular problems.

However, it turns out that these prescription drugs are not the only painkillers that should be avoided: The FDA has urged the public to limit the use of over-the-counter pain medications and to use them in strict accordance with the label directions.

Over-The-Counter Pain Relievers to be Wary Of;
· Aleve
· Aspirin
· Ibuprofen

Aleve (made by Bayer) is the first non-prescription NSAID to be added to the list of painkillers associated with heart attacks and strokes. In fact, Aleve is so detrimental to one's health that those who have been taking the drug for nearly three years have been advised to stop using it, while those who opt to continue taking it should take no more than two pills a day for no longer than 10 days (unless otherwise advised by a doctor). People taking the prescription version of Aleve, Naprosyn, are also being directed to take the drug with extreme caution. Further, a study administered to discover whether Aleve or Celebrex could prevent Alzheimer's disease showed that those taking Aleve had an estimated 50 percent higher risk of heart attacks and strokes than those taking a placebo.

Although over-the-counter anti-inflammatory drugs like Aleve, Aspirin and Ibuprofen offer pain relief, they all have potentially harmful side effects. There are other arthritis pain relief products, like Arthritin, that work completely side effect free.

Monday, February 23, 2009

Add 9 Years to Your Life with Simple Lifestyle Changes

Here are four simple, health-happy lifestyle changes that pay big on living longer, and living better longer. Researchers at Loma Linda University in California studied the lifestyles of more than 34,000 Seventh-Day Adventists - a religious group known for their longevity and healthy lifestyle. You don't need to convert religions to reap the longevity benefits of this study. Simply take on the lifestyle habits of this group.

Here is a synopsis of lifestyle changes and the associated years gained because of the lifestyle;
· Exercise vigorously three times per week; gain 2.1 years.
· Eat nuts five times a week; gain 2.9 years.
· Maintain a healthy weight; gain 1.5 years.
· Eat a vegetarian-style diet; gain 2.4 years.

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Arnica Essential Oil – A "must have” Arthritis Home Remedy

The gentle Arnica oil is a pain relieving essential oil. Arnica stimulates white blood cells activity and is also known to stimulate blood circulation. Arnica has anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory qualities that can reduce pain and swelling and improving wound healing. Arnica Essential Oil is typically rubbed on the skin for:

  • arthritis pain and inflammation
  • sore or painful joints
  • bruised tissue
  • sprains
  • sore muscle
  • cartilage pain
  • swelling

You can use Arnica oil after a hard workout to reduce soreness and swelling or to soothe arthritis pain and reduce inflammation. You can also use Arnica oil in a footbath for tender feet or in a hot compress for abdominal pain.

To soothe aching joints, add 4 drops of arnica essential oil to one teaspoon of your favorite healing salve. Do not use arnica oil internally. This is for external use only.

For natural arthritis pain relief, you will also want to use Arthritin.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Arthritis is on the Rise

According to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, more than 20 percent of U.S. adults have arthritis and more than a third of them have limited activity because of this growing problem. Arthritis is on the rise in the U.S. and the problem is only becoming worse.

The CDC reviewed information of an annual survey of 30,000 people for it's latest report that is published in the CDC's weekly summary of disease and death. This survey covered the different forms of arthritis including rheumatoid arthritis, gout, lupus, and fibromyalgia. The findings indicate that 46.4 million of U.S. adults reported doctor diagnosed arthritis, and 17.4 million reported arthritis limited their activity during 2003-2005. These figures are higher then those taken in 2002, with 43 million reporting arthritis to their doctor and slightly less than eight percent affecting people's activity levels.

This annual survey also reported that those most susceptible to the different forms of arthrits include women, older adults, those with very little education, white, as compared with blacks and Hispanics, anyone who is obese, overweight, or physically inactive. Unfortunately about 30 percent of the population is obese and 60 percent are overweight. Even though it's been told time and again that exercise has been shown to help prevent arthritis, only 22 percent of U.S. residents say they exercise at least 30 minutes a day five or more times a week. The survey also found that 16 percent of those who have a normal weight or are underweight have arthritis.

Published in the CDC's Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report, the CDC predicts that by 2030 arthritis will be affecting 67 million U.S. adults. The CDC believes that those with a low education, obese or are physically inactive are the ones most likely to say that arthritis and joint problems limit their activity levels. The CDC suggests that Americans get moving. By exercising, shedding pounds and becoming more active you may have an edge against arthritis.

The CDC reports that 31 percent of obese adults and 21 percent of overweight adults say they had been diagnosed with arthritis, compared with 16 percent of leaner adults. Remember, extra weight will put more stress on your joints, and when joints get little use, they become more stiff and painful.

Monday, February 16, 2009

Fibromyalgia vs. Arthritis

Truth is, it's not a competition with these two. In fact, these two conditions are on the same side. Fibromyalgia, while it is not actually arthritis, is
arthritis related and does exist under the same general category as arthritis.

Many people with fibromyalgia are quick to correct a doctor by saying, "I have fibromyalgia - not arthritis." There are about 100 other disorders that belong to the category arthritis is in as well. Maybe this will help to answer some of the questions.

You can eliminate pain, increase energy and promote healthful sleep patterns with safe and natural fibromyalgia products.

Friday, February 13, 2009

Hip Flexor Stretch

If your hips aren't hoppin' the way they used to, try this hip flexor stretch to loosen them up.

  • Lie on your back with your knees bent, with both feet flat on the floor about shoulder-width apart.

  • Bring your right knee toward your chest, pulling the upper leg back with your hands in the crook of your leg behind the knee.
  • The small of your back should be pressed against the floor. Without arching your back, slowly extend your left leg along the floor.

  • Hold for 5-10 seconds. Slowly return both legs to starting position.
  • Repeat with the other leg.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Depression and Other Chronic Conditions

If you suffer from arthritis, you are at risk for depression as well. A World Health Organization (WHO) survey compared depression and overall health, and with four other chronic diseases:

  • Angina

  • Arthritis

  • Asthma
  • Diabetes

This study, published in "Lancet," incorporated 240,000 people from over 60 countries around the world. Health scores were given to people without the above chronic conditions as well as those with. People answered questions on their ability to function daily activities, movement and memory, sleep, energy and interpersonal activities. Results ranged from 1 to 100.

  • People WITHOUT chronic conditions averaged a score of about 90.
  • People WITH chronic conditions dropped a full 10 points, to an average score of 80.
The possibility of further depression in patients with chronic diseases is high:

  • angina - 15%

  • arthritis - 11%

  • asthma - 18%

  • diabetes - 9%
Depression often goes hand in hand with chronic health problems. This study measured the impact of depression .

Monday, February 9, 2009

Clover Pain Relief Tea

Last week I gave you a recipe for “Pain Relief Tea” that is used during painful arthritis flare-ups. Now I am going to give you a great tea recipe that is used as a preventative. Starting your day with a cup of clover tea might just ward off flare-ups altogether.

To make this tea, combine 1 teaspoon of crushed red clover blossom and 1 teaspoon dried alfalfa leaves. Add to 1 cup of boiling water and steep, covered, for 5 minutes. Strain the herbs before drinking.

Red Clover is an amazing herb. Red clover is considered one of the best herbs to purify the blood. Red Clover is used to support the lymphatic system and support immune system function. Red clover is also known as a blood purifier. Red clover helps with muscle relaxation and provides a mild sedative effect that can relax and relieve muscle cramping and nervousness.

Like Red Clover, Alfalfa is also a folk remedy for arthritis. Alfalfa also purifies the blood and supports the immune system. Additionally, Alfalfa tea is rich in nutritive minerals. Enjoying a daily spot of tea using these herbs can do wonders for your achy joints and your overall health.
Remeber also to use your formulated arthritis supplements and Opti-MSM alongside these arthritis home remedy tips.

Friday, February 6, 2009

Arthritis Pain Relief w/out the Side Effects

Arthritis can cause debilitating pain and limit your activities. Sometimes the "cure" is no better than the condition.

Here are a few natural arthritis pain relief options:
•Herbal supplements
Magnet Therapy

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Canine Arthritis

Yes, dogs get arthritis too. It is estimated that over 10 million dogs have been diagnosed and 31% of owners state that it is an a real problem for their pets. Canine arthritis is most common in older and large breed dogs since they will put more weight on their joints than the smaller pets.
Pain and discomfort is the same for pets as it is for humans, cartiliage breaks down around the joint in them as it does in us humans. The same medication glucosamine and chrondroitin work for pets as well as humans in relieving pain. MSM also works beautifully for dogs with arthritis. There are an assortment of pet foods that already include these supplements for the older pet.

Remember that your pet cannot speak to you about what ails him, so keep an eye on your pet, recognize the signs of pain and find a safe canine arthritis treatment for your achy pooch.

Monday, February 2, 2009

Pain Relief Tea for Arthritis Flair-Ups

Use this calming and pain relieving during painful flare-ups. Drink two or three cups daily until the flare-up subsides.

To make this tea, combine 1 teaspoon each of black cohosh, devil’s claw, passion flower and ginger. Add to 4 cups of boiling water and steep, covered, for 20 minutes. Strain the herbs before drinking.

To understand why this tea works so well, let’s take a look at each ingredient;

Black cohosh contains aspirin-like substances as well as other anti- inflammatory constituents.

Ginger is used for arthritis because of its anti-inflammatory effects. Many people drink ginger tea for osteoarthritis.

The primary use for devil's claw is for conditions that cause inflammation and pain including back pain, neck pain, rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis and tendinitis.

Passionflower is a general nerve tonic with a calming influence. This herb has also shown ability to lesson pain.

Remeber also to use your formulated arthritis supplements and Opti-MSM alongside these arthritis home remedy tips.